Snowfox > Apollo
It only takes a moment of pondering for life to suddenly become peculiar, confusing and overwhelming. It’s in the nature of our survival that things don’t and often won’t always go to plan, even in the situations that you rehearse [what feels like] a thousand times in your head before. We write our own stories in the stars through the choices we make, the things we say and do, the connections we forge with our fellow humans and in our beliefs. I really do think that’s what life boils down to at the end of the day… it is a huge, vast ocean of opportunities and possibilities waiting to be discovered. We define our own happiness by defining ourselves along the way… “who do you want to be?”.
From the very first moment that I met you, you had my heart. That cold morning in March is one that I will never ever forget; when we walked to the park, you took my hand and off we went running around together without a care in the world. That immediate love and trust and connection was something for the history books, and a moment I haven’t experienced before or since that day. Life had suddenly took on a whole different, more selfless meaning and I wouldn’t change it for the world. It was the start of a whole new chapter for me through the colliding of our souls.
Though we don’t share the same blood, we share everything else - always have done, always will do. You see, it isn’t always about the clan you’re born into but the one you bring together yourself along the way. They’re the ones that raise you and are there for you no matter the time nor distance. They impart pieces of themselves onto you that help shape who you are, and these remain long after they’ve left this Earth. I’ll only ever keep trying to do what is right, not what is easy as that is not an existence worth pursuing with our limited resources here.
I love you so much and am so proud of you. I admire how you hold everyone to a higher standard. Just please, keep fighting the good fight. You’ve got this more than you realise.