
I started tinkering with the idea of creative writing around 2015. As I’ve gotten older and experienced a great deal, and go through moments of slipping, I now try to embrace those occasions for what they are. Writing is one of the ways I’ve dealt with life for a while now and it’s supremely empowering to not internalise everything anymore. I’ve heard it said that tough times don’t always build character but they do reveal it, and so I like to see both the good and bad occurrences as an opportunity to reflect, learn and be something better. We as humans are complicated, fragile and flawed; this work is a celebration of that.




There’s no way back from this.


Going the distance to reclaim what once was lost.


Through fire for you.


The most important person in all this.

What Is Will Be

Learnings along the way.

Released late August 2024.