Non Fiction Matthew Wellman Non Fiction Matthew Wellman

Introducing Snowfox

I have at long last launched a creative writing project. This is something I’ve really wanted to do for a while now but ironically enough could never find the right words. Included are a small collection of new entries entitled “Apollo”. It’s about things that have stuck with me over the last decade of my life, some of which are based off ideas and early drafts that have existed for some time now.

I have at long last launched a creative writing project. This is something I’ve really wanted to do for a while now but ironically enough could never find the right words. The idea for a writing project came to me almost a decade ago now whilst working in the great outdoors. The concept of a music album consisting of its separate tracks that intertwine to create a “bigger picture” really intrigued me and was something I wanted to apply to writing.

I’ve launched this project today alongside a small collection of new entries entitled “Apollo”. It’s about things that have stuck with me over the last decade of my life, some of which are based off ideas and early drafts that have existed for some time now.

Thank You for your continued interest and support in what I do. It means a lot.

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